Orthopedic Surgeries
Orthopedic surgeries involve procedures performed on the musculoskeletal system in case of injuries, trauma or various disorders. This includes surgeries on the bones, joints, and soft tissues. This also includes the muscles protecting and allowing movement of bones and joints. In order to diagnose any orthopedic complication, the veterinarian will evaluate the history of the problem (signs and ongoing symptoms) and complete a thorough physical examination and localize the problem area. Further testing involves gate analysis, palpation and X-rays of the affected area. In some cases the pet may need to be sedated for proper X-ray positioning.
Common orthopedic surgeries are fracture repair, cruciate surgery and hip surgeries. Fracture repairs involve simple splinting and mobilizing the affected area so the bones can heal, a process called external fixation. In some cases, splinting does not resolve the problem, in which case a more invasive surgery may be required. These surgeries involve pinning, plating or wiring to mobilize the area. Depending on the bone involved, this surgery may be done by Dr. Dev, or in certain cases, a specialist may be called in.
The most common surgery involving the knee is a Cruciate surgery. This is a case where one of the cruciate ligaments is torn, causing the knee to become unstable. There are numerous techniques used to stabilize the knee. Dr. Dev will perform a lateral imbrication technique to stabilize the knee. Dr. Dev has taken special interest in this surgery, He has completed various continuing education courses to further his knowledge on this technique. Other techniques like TPLO and TTA can be performed in house through a board certified specialist.
Hip surgeries are performed in clinic by Dr. Dev. These involve Femoral Head Osteotomy (FHO).